WanderlustBy Sam Lepore

Subject: WanderSouth 12 - Texas to San Francisco
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 17:05:10 -0800

Sorry to disappoint, but the well of words went dry somewhere in the arid wastes of the high plains. I often said I would stop writing from the road when it stopped being fun.
It is not fun.

I have seen enough of Texas to last a lifetime.

380 miles
Early US67 I10 Van Horn, Texas

I have seen more than enough of I-10 to last a lifetime.

432 miles
Van Horn I10 US70 Globe, Arizona

I have seen far too much of the desert for one lifetime.

356 miles
Globe US60 I10 Palm Springs, California

There is simply too much of Los Angeles. Make your own exhortation.

490 miles
Palm Springs I10 I210 I5 I580 San Francisco

All of these roads are repeats and I have written them to the point of abstraction if not distraction. There is nothing new to say. My mind is as numb as the muse goes dumb. But one thing I will say is there is nothing else quite like coming home. Rebecca missed me and I her, but at least we could communicate in phone calls. The unmeasureable joy of a beagle standing in the bay window, nose pressed against the glass, entire rear end wagging so hard she throws herself off balance, is a hero's reward for doing nothing more than coming home.

So I'll end by clicking my heels together three times and quoting Dorothy:
   "There is no place like home.
    There is no place like home.
    There is no place like home."

Sam Lepore, San Francisco
30 days on the road
10 minutes of rain
7,531 miles

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